

Japanese instrumental performance in August

Enjoy your meal while listening to a Japanese musical instrument performance every Saturday during dinner time.

3rd Koto performance (Honoka Asami)
10th Koto performance (Honoka Asami)
24th Shinobue performance (Jun Akaru)
31st Shakuhachi performance (Syozan Sakurai)

Profile of Japanese instrumentalists

Honoka Asami(koto player)
Graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts. She completed the 55th term of the NHK Traditional Music Teachers Training Program, and was concert mistress at the graduation concert held at the NHK Hall. Passed NHK Japanese music audition. Appeared on NHK-FM's "Hogaku no Hitotoki" and "Hogaku Hyakuban". 2018 "Society of Living National Treasures" performance. Lecturer at NHK Bunka Center Chiba Class. She is a Miyagi-sha Shihan (instructor).
Jun Akaru(shinobue player)
Graduated from Gakushuin University, Faculty of Letters, Department of History, and studied Gagaku and Kabuki music while in school. She completed the 50th term of the NHK Traditional Japanese Music Technicians Training Program, and completed a separate course in traditional Japanese music at Tokyo University of the Arts. She belongs to Nippon Music Group. In addition to performing, she has been arranging works by her great-grandfather, Ryutaro Hirota (Hamachidori, Haruyokoi, etc.) for Japanese instruments.
Syozan Sakurai(shakuhachi player)
Graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts and completed the graduate course at the same university. Graduated from the Modern Japanese Music Institute. Graduated from the 45th NHK Hogaku Technicians' Training Course. Passed the NHK Japanese music audition. Completed training under the Agency for Cultural Affairs' New Artist Development Program. She is active both in Japan and abroad with the mindset of "to inherit the teachings of previous generations in order to inspire future actions". Studied under Houzan Yamamoto I (Living National Treasure), Junsuke Kawase, Seizan Ishigaki I, and Houzan Nomura (Living National Treasure). Tozan-ryu master.